All XY Era Boxes and Packs

All XY Era Boxes and Packs

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Pokemon XY Generations Mythical Premium Collection - Mew Pokemon XY Generations Mythical Premium Collection - Mew

This special product from the Generations set features a full-art version of Mew, a Mew pin, and two packs of Generations. This artwork of Mew is very unique and only...
This special product from the Generations set features a full-art version of Mew, a Mew pin, and two packs of Generations. This artwork of Mew is very unique and only...

Pokemon Twin Mini Portfolios and Booster Packs Pokemon Twin Mini Portfolios and Booster Packs

Comes with 2 mini Portfolios and 2 packs which one is Breakthrough
Comes with 2 mini Portfolios and 2 packs which one is Breakthrough

Pokemon XY BreakPoint 3 Pack Blister Pokemon XY BreakPoint 3 Pack Blister

Get on the latest Pokémon TCG action with three awesome booster packs from the new XY-BREAKpoint expansion, 1 special holographic promo card featuring Umbreon, and a cool Pokémon coin to...
Get on the latest Pokémon TCG action with three awesome booster packs from the new XY-BREAKpoint expansion, 1 special holographic promo card featuring Umbreon, and a cool Pokémon coin to...

Pokemon XY Steam Siege Booster Pack Pokemon XY Steam Siege Booster Pack

Thirty-six packs from the eleventh expansion in the XY Series. Released in August 2016, this set contains a gold border Gardevoir EX (Secret) and Volcanion EX (Secret).
Thirty-six packs from the eleventh expansion in the XY Series. Released in August 2016, this set contains a gold border Gardevoir EX (Secret) and Volcanion EX (Secret).

Pokemon XY BreakThrough Elite Trainer Box Pokemon XY BreakThrough Elite Trainer Box

Discover a new path to power that builds on a Pokémon’s existing strengths and all-new battling opportunities with the Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKthrough Elite Trainer Box! One collection contains all you need to...
Discover a new path to power that builds on a Pokémon’s existing strengths and all-new battling opportunities with the Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKthrough Elite Trainer Box! One collection contains all you need to...

Pokemon XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box Pokemon XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box

This XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box features Mega Charizard Y that doubles as a collector's box to store cards in. Each Elite Trainer Box comes with:- 8 XY Evolutions Booster Packs- 1...
This XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box features Mega Charizard Y that doubles as a collector's box to store cards in. Each Elite Trainer Box comes with:- 8 XY Evolutions Booster Packs- 1...