All XY Era Elite Trainer Boxes

All XY Era Elite Trainer Boxes

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Pokemon XY BreakThrough Elite Trainer Box Pokemon XY BreakThrough Elite Trainer Box

Discover a new path to power that builds on a Pokémon’s existing strengths and all-new battling opportunities with the Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKthrough Elite Trainer Box! One collection contains all you need to...
Discover a new path to power that builds on a Pokémon’s existing strengths and all-new battling opportunities with the Pokémon TCG: XY—BREAKthrough Elite Trainer Box! One collection contains all you need to...

Pokemon XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box Pokemon XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box

This XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box features Mega Charizard Y that doubles as a collector's box to store cards in. Each Elite Trainer Box comes with:- 8 XY Evolutions Booster Packs- 1...
This XY Evolutions Elite Trainer Box features Mega Charizard Y that doubles as a collector's box to store cards in. Each Elite Trainer Box comes with:- 8 XY Evolutions Booster Packs- 1...