All XY Era Booster Packs

All XY Era Booster Packs

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Pokemon XY BreakPoint 3 Pack Blister Pokemon XY BreakPoint 3 Pack Blister

Get on the latest Pokémon TCG action with three awesome booster packs from the new XY-BREAKpoint expansion, 1 special holographic promo card featuring Umbreon, and a cool Pokémon coin to...
Get on the latest Pokémon TCG action with three awesome booster packs from the new XY-BREAKpoint expansion, 1 special holographic promo card featuring Umbreon, and a cool Pokémon coin to...

Pokemon XY Steam Siege Booster Pack Pokemon XY Steam Siege Booster Pack

Thirty-six packs from the eleventh expansion in the XY Series. Released in August 2016, this set contains a gold border Gardevoir EX (Secret) and Volcanion EX (Secret).
Thirty-six packs from the eleventh expansion in the XY Series. Released in August 2016, this set contains a gold border Gardevoir EX (Secret) and Volcanion EX (Secret).